Minelab PRO SWING 45 Harness 3011-0245

Minelab PRO SWING 45 Harness 3011-0245
Designed for ultimate convenience and functionality. Minelab’s innovative W8 distribution system and specialist features allow you to spend more time in the field, detecting with ease.
W8 technology evenly distributes the detector’s weight, so that even after many hours of detecting you are unable to feel that any specific part of your body is carrying the detector’s weight. This means that you can detect for much longer without feeling any strain.
W8 technology employs three biomechanical strategies to transfer the detector mass (weight) away from the operator’s arm:
- remove flexion and extension muscle strain
- use solid skeletal structure to support loads
- avoid soft tissue anchor points
These effectively remove the need for the arm’s muscles to tense in a flexion extension position while swinging the detector, and therefore prevent the muscle fatigue and soreness that is commonly experienced with metal detecting. W8 technology also allows the arm to freely medially rotate and abduct to swing the detector without the need to hold it up off the ground.